Grace Gardner
Grace Gardner
Meet Grace, SPIRE's spin program manager and lead spin instructor! After falling in love with sprints at 128 RPM and heavy hill climbs as a client in 2018, Grace joined the SPIRE team as a brand ambassador before becoming a spin instructor in 2019 and a strength & conditioning instructor in 2020. Having lived in OH, SC, CA, and VA before moving to WI, SPIRE is the place that made Milwaukee her home. 🫶
When Grace is on the podium, expect a tough workout set to the beat of trap remixes, your fav throwbacks, and of course remixes of those throwbacks. With lots of humor and encouragement, her goal is for you to walk out of the studio feeling stronger than when you walked in. With every tapback and jab-jab-hook-hook, you'll uncover strength you didn't know you had and have fun doing it. 💖💪